We would like you to know you are not alone and we are here to help.
If you or someone you know are newly diagnosed and would like information on support and resources, please download our Welcome Package Updated April 2024.
Should you require more assistance or have any questions please get a hold of us using our contact page. If you are an organization you can use our referral forms. ASRMWB Caregiver Referral Form or ASRMWB Client Referral Form
For additional Supports and Resources click: Supports-and-Services-ASRMWB
Autism Society Alberta
Uniting Alberta’s autism community.
Website: http://www.autismalberta.ca
Email: info@autismalberta.ca
Phone: 1-877-777-7192
Sinneave Family Foundation
The Sinneave Family Foundation is a charitable operating foundation, created in 2008 to address the challenges experienced by emerging adults on the autism spectrum. Located in Calgary, the foundation provides a variety of online resources and events.
Website: https://sinneavefoundation.org/
Email: info@sinneavefoundation.org
Phone: 1-888-733-7976
Centre for Autism Services Alberta
The Centre for Autism Services Alberta is the largest accredited autism service provider in northern Alberta. Its mission is to provide comprehensive and innovative supports and services to those affected by ASD.
Website: https://centreforautism.ab.ca/
Phone Edmonton: 780-488-6600
Phone Calgary: 587-439-9702
Autism Calgary
Website: Autism Calgary
Phone Calgary: 403-250-5033
Email: info@autismcalgary.com
Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada
ADDAC is a national charity providing leadership in awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD across Canada. CADDAC is committed to increasing the understanding of ADHD. Through generous donations, CADDAC’s programs support parents and individuals affected by ADHD. Key programs and initiatives include CADDAC’s Executive Functioning program, group coaching programs, resource navigator program, educational events, awareness initiatives and advocacy initiatives.ADDAC is a national charity providing leadership in awareness, education, and advocacy for ADHD across Canada. CADDAC is committed to increasing the understanding of ADHD. Through generous donations, CADDAC’s programs support parents and individuals affected by ADHD. Key programs and initiatives include CADDAC’s Executive Functioning program, group coaching programs, resource navigator program, educational events, awareness initiatives and advocacy initiatives.
Website: CADDAC: Canadian ADHD Awareness | Education | Advocacy
AIDE Canada
AIDE (Autism and/or Intellectual Disability Knowledge Exchange Network) is a national knowledge network that is committed to providing accurate up-to-date, and useful information and resources to the people who need it.
Website: https://aidecanada.ca/
Contact Form: Getting Assistance – Live Chat | AIDE Canada
Autism Canada
Website: Home – Autism Canada
Autistic Girls Network
The Hub Family Resource Centre
The Hub Family Resource Centre (The Hub) is the comprehensive family services provider in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.
Phone: 780-743-9225
Caregivers Alberta
Founded in 2001 by a group of concerned caregivers, Caregivers Alberta strives to empower caregivers and promote their well-being by providing resources, mental health support, and education for Albertans caring for family members or friends.
North East Alberta Fetal Alcohol Network (NEFAN) is a FASD service network that enhances the supports in its region for those affected by FASD.
Website: https://neafan.ca/
Phone: 780-750-6678
Salvation Army – START program (Start Today Achieve Results Tomorrow)
Provides residential and community support services to persons with developmental disabilities.
Website: https://salvationarmy.ca/alberta/abnt/home/
Phone: 780-743-4135
WJS Canada
Together with a WJS Family Support worker you and your family will explore needs and concerns, develop a family created plan, connect with community resources that fit your needs.
Website: https://wjscanada.com/
Phone: 780-791-9993
WJS Canada – Family Resilience Program
Together with a WJS Family Support worker you and your family will explore needs and concerns, develop a family created plan, connect with community resources that fit your needs.
Website: https://wjscanada.com/
Phone: 587-990-2457
Pride YMM
Supporting the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community in Wood Buffalo with Pride.
Website: https://prideymm.ca/
Phone: (587) 646-6626
Vulnerable Persons Registry
Emergencies happen. If you are a vulnerable person living in the region, you may be at greater risk during an emergency. Get prepared by learning more about the Vulnerable Persons Registry.
Family Supports for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) (Government of Alberta)
The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) Program provides a wide range of family-centered supports and services.
Website: www.humanservices.alberta.ca/disability-services/14855.html
Phone: 780-743-7416
Intake email: HS.NEFSCDIntake@gov.ab.ca
Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) (Government of Alberta)
PDD funds programs and services to help adult Albertans with developmental disabilities to be a part of their communities and live as independently as they can.
Disability Tax Credit (DTC)
A government tax credit that reduces the amount of income tax that a person with a disability and/or their caregiver has to pay.
Website: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/individuals/segments/tax-credits-deductions-persons-disabilities/disability-tax-credit.html
Phone: 800-959-8281
Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
A registered disability savings plan (RDSP) is a savings plan intended to help parents and others save for the long term financial security of a person who is eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC).
Website: Registered Disability Savings Plan – Canada.ca
Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL)
AADL helps Albertans with a long-term disability, chronic or terminal illness to pay for basic medical equipment and supplies.
Website: Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL) | Alberta.ca
Phone: 780-427-0731
Alberta Support
Helping you find and apply for family and social supports.
Website: www.alberta.ca/alberta-supports.aspx
Phone: 1-877-644-9992
Social Support Services
The Municipality provides social support services that offer a variety of preventative programs designed to enhance the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. All programs support and enhance the lives of our residents. Programs are available in both the urban and rural areas.
AHS – Early Childhood Intervention Program
The Early Childhood Intervention Program provides support to families of infants and children with developmental delays or disabilities from birth to school age.
Office Address: 108 Wolverine Drive, Fort McMurray, AB, T9H 4Y7
Phone: 780-741-5616
Alberta Health Services (Northern Lights Regional Hospital)
Helping you find Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech and Language Services.
Website: Northern Lights Regional Health Centre – Physical Therapy Services | Alberta Health Services
Speech and Language Services. 780-791-6275
Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy 780-791-6016
Benefit WayFinder
Your guide to government benefits that can help put more money in your pocket.
Website: Home – Benefits wayfinder
Service Canada
Service Canada provides Canadians with a single point of access to services and benefits.
Autism Housing Network of Alberta
The Autism Housing Network of Alberta (AHNA) is focused on improving the access to and quality of housing opportunities for autistic individuals and their families. Our goal is to work together to better understand housing needs across the province, extend the reach of support to families, learn from each other to proactively facilitate new housing solutions, and establish a provincial approach to recruitment to capitalize on housing units as they become available.
Website: Housing | Autism Society Alberta (autismalberta.ca)
Housing Guide
WB Housing
Safe, affordable housing is critically important to society, families, and individuals as a whole. Wood Buffalo Housing is here to help facilitate Provincial programs.
Website: Wood Buffalo Housing – Housing for Everyone (wbhousing.ca)
The Support Through Housing Team (STHT)
Today, STHT continues to provide wrap-around support with a team of agencies to individuals with barriers to housing. We focus on reaching individuals who are at-risk of homelessness, or currently homeless and want to make significant changes to their lives, but lack the resources or self-confidence to start. Our client-centred approach and intensive case management means that clients do not have to struggle alone.
Website: HOME (stht.ca)
Alberta First Nations Health Consortium
The First Nations Health Consortium (FNHC) is an Alberta-wide organization developed to improve access to health, social, and education services and supports to First Nations and Inuit Children throughout the province, living both on and off reserve.
Jordan’s Principle Funding
Jordan’s Principle makes sure all First Nations children living in Canada can access the products, services and supports they need, when they need them. Funding can help with a wide range of health, social and educational needs, including the unique needs that First Nations Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA children and youth and those with disabilities may have.
Jordan’s Principle is named in memory of Jordan River Anderson. He was a young boy from Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba.
Supporting the Mental Health of Autistic People Living in Rural and Remote Communities
YMM Mental Health Resource List
YMM MH Resources 082023
Canadian Mental Health Association – Wood Buffalo
It is just as important to take care of ourselves and other family members during this transition. CMHA offers information, supports and services for your needs.
Empowering Helpers and Caregiver Connection (CMHA program)
Caregiver Connection provides peer support services to parents and caregivers of individuals.
Website: https://woodbuffalo.cmha.ca/programs-services/empowering-helpers/
Phone: 780-743-1053
Intake Email: familypeer@woodbuffalo.cmha.ab.ca
Autism Mental Health Literacy Project (AM-HeLP)
We created the Mental Health Literacy Guide for Autism to increase awareness and share knowledge around issues related to Autistic mental health. This guide is meant to be read by everyone, but most importantly by Autistic adults, family members, professionals, policy-makers and leaders.
Guide: Mental-Health-Literacy-Guide-for-Autism
Centre for Suicide Prevention
Youth and suicide resources
What is a Regional Parent Advisory Committee (RPAC)?
RPAC “strives to always consider the best interest of children with disabilities and their families”.
The purpose of the RPAC is to enhance the involvement between families of children with disabilities, and regional supports and services. RPACs provide regional committee members with a mechanism to have their voices heard at both the regional and provincial levels.
The RPAC gives feedback to the Provincial Parent Advisory Committee (PPAC) about the life experiences of those who use FSCD. PPAC then passes this information on to the government. We need voices from all parts of our region – including rural – to help FSCD be a program that helps families in Alberta in the best way possible.
For Additional information: What is a RPAC
Upcoming meetings are planned for 6:30pm on:
Feb 10th, May 12th, Sept 22nd, Dec 1st, 2025
The FSCD North East Region is looking for a diverse group of parents for the Regional Parent Advisory Committee For questions or to come to a meeting contact: chair.rpac.ne@gmail.com or tina.ppac@gmail.com
Autism Society of the RMWB
Our Social-Respite program focuses on opportunities for children aged 3-17-years-old with differing abilities to build stronger foundations for social interactions and community involvement. Children and youth get to be a part of the community and make friendships while parents receive the benefit of respite support!
For any questions, please contact 780-531-5777 or email programdirector@autismrmwb.org
More Details: Social Respite
McMann Youth family and Community Services Association
To support and encourage individuals and families to achieve their full potential as members of their community.
Website: www.mcman.ca
Phone: 780-743-9721
Apidae Compassion Care provides quality home support services to help our clients maintain a sense of independence and dignity so they can stay safe in the familiar surroundings of their home or care facility.
Website: Apidae Compassion Care
Phone: 780-573-6304
Back to School Resources
Classroom Resources for teachers and professionals Autism Society of the RMWB
Education Inclusion Program – Autism RMWB
Autism Society of Alberta
Getting Ready for Back-to-School – Autism Society Alberta (autismalberta.ca)
Inclusion Alberta
Tips for Achieving an Inclusive K-12 Education – Inclusion Alberta
Aide Canada
Back to School Collection (aidecanada.ca)
Post Secondary Disability Funding Aide Canada
Post-Secondary Education Disability Funding by Province/Territory (aidecanada.ca)
Post Secondary Supports from Aide Canada
Autism and Post-Secondary Supports (aidecanada.ca)
Teachers/professionals supporting Neurodiverse from Aide Canada
Educare Early Intervention Preschool
Educare is a preschool program for all children ages 3-5. They address the area of early childhood development language enrichment, special needs and wellness.
Website: http://educareearlyintervention.com/about/
Phone: 780-743-3464
Fort McMurray Public School District
K-12 Schooling
Website: www.fmpsdschools.ca
Phone: 780-790-7900
Support 4 Moms Society
To provide a safe venue for parents to build networks, share experiences in a positive non-judgmental manner. To learn from and support peers.
Website: https://www.support4moms.com/
Email: support4moms@outlook.com
Support4moms can be reached by email or by joining their private FB page; Support 4 Moms Society – Fort McMurray
Neurodiversity YMM
A sharing circle and action committee of Neurodiverse (Autistic, ADHD, OCD, etc) self-advocates in Fort McMurray, Alberta. They advocate for supports that members have identified as needs within our community.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/neurodiversityymm/
Email: neurodiversityymm@gmail.com
Social Media: (2) Neurodiversity YMM | Fort McMurray AB | Facebook
Autism Alberta peer mentor – online support group
As part of Autism Society Alberta’s COVID Response, our Family Support Workers and Autistic Peer Mentors are offering online support groups for parents, families and autistic individuals throughout Alberta.
Website: https://autismalberta.ca/upcoming-online-support-groups/
A Career and Education Planning Guide for Students with Disabilities
Website: Resources for People with Disabilities – alis (alberta.ca)