Our Social-Respite program focuses on opportunities for children aged 3-17-years-old with differing abilities to build stronger foundations for social interactions and community involvement. Children and youth get to be a part of the community and make friendships while parents receive the benefit of respite support!

The program provides youth opportunities to meet and spend time with peers who share similar interests. Youth attending the program are able to learn and practice social skills while interacting with their peers and learning life skills such as independence, responsibility and accountability. Experiences and activities are decided by youth registered in the program; we envision youth eventually planning and implementing their own ideas for activities with minimal adult input. Youth learn practical skills such as managing money, using public transport and self-advocacy.

Social Respite is held multiple days of the week and include activities like:

  • Wood Buffalo Regional Library activities
  • Bowling at The Alley YMM
  • Sensory Friendly Movie
  • Games and activities night
  • Total Ninja Warrior
  • Nature walks
  • Season themed activities
  • Swimming
  • Fort City Play World

For any questions, please contact 780-531-5777 or email programdirector@autismrmwb.org

Please see the attached description of each tailored Respite Groups. Registration can be done through our Calendar.

Program Handbook – Parents

Step 1: To register for the program for this link: (Social Respite Program)

Step 2: Download the Wild Apricot for Members app and log in to register for events. Your events will appear once you meet with the program director.

We have been able to deliver this program through funding provided by the United Way Fort McMurray and WB.