Bingos February 2025

We are currently looking for volunteers to assist with our February Bingos. Volunteers will be responsible for helping to set up and run the event and assisting participants as needed. If you are interested in volunteering, please get in touch with us for more information.

Bottle Drive

Bottle Drive will raise funds for our programming.
Arrange pick up by emailing or text 780-715-7585

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Sponsorship Opportunities

Our commitment for April Awareness and Acceptance Day, Saturday, April 5th, 2025, is to connect over 1,000 community members. By providing resources and raising awareness and understanding of the unique challenges individuals face, we will help create a more inclusive and accepting community. Our day includes access to swimming, bouncy castles, games, face painting, and our sensory room.
For more information please contact:

I support Autism Awareness- Sticker campaign

Actual Size 2.5 X 2.5

We are calling on businesses, schools, and organizations to take part in our sticker and pin campaign to raise funds that go towards services, supports and programs in your community. By purchasing a sticker, you are showing awareness and support for those living with ASD. The design of adding the Autism Society of the RMWB logo is to have a visual for where people can go to find more resources about ASD. The campaign is very simple, let us know the number of stickers you would like, then collect donations in exchange for the sticker. We will deliver the stickers and pick up donations when you are finished.

If you are a business or organization, you may choose to run the sticker campaign for the entire month of April. Stickers can be bought for $1.00 (or by donation). If you are a school you may choose to help the campaign by collecting $1.00 (or donation) per sticker from children on the day your school chooses to recognize Autism Awareness Day.

To take part in this awareness campaign please contact: to order off our store click here.

I support Autism Awareness